A Reading for Saturday: "Which Way?"

Which Way?
By Jeff Norberg

Standing on the crossroads deciding which way to go toward.
To the left is my way and to the right is to the Lord.
My way means humans who are just as imperfect as me.
The Lord's way means perfection will walk beside me and be a friend in need.
My way is like a boat that doesn't have an oar.
The Lord's way is like an eagle that was made to soar.
It is true that with my way a false sense of freedom could seem strong.
Whereas the Lord's way might take work and the road may seem long.
Eventually though the illusion of freedom would end and I would be destitute and all alone.
But the Lord's way means I would have a friend to take my hand and lead me home.
I notice that even with all my possessions my life would always get unfurled.
So I reached for the treasures of Heaven and not those of the world.
I know I made the right choice as I turned right onto the road.
For it was at that instant I felt the Lord take my hand and release my load.

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