December 31, 2022

Making Our Time Count - Wearing the Yoke of Christ

Today's passage continues with this spiritual side, and it begins with an invitation from Christ. He simply says to us, "Come to me." Jesus knows the toll that is taken on the life of a person who gets it all wrong in terms of priorities and partners. People everywhere are weary and heavy-laden and desperately in need of rest...

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December 23, 2022

Christmas Foretold and Fulfilled - Opposition Opportunities - Suffering Helps God's Kingdom

Today’s highlighted portion tells us Herod has died and the threat to Jesus is gone. An angel of the Lord appears to Joseph and instructs him to take the child and his mother back to Israel. Joseph carries out his instructions and the prophecy is fulfilled: “out of Egypt I called My son”. We saw earlier in the week that the significance of God’s son, Jesus Christ, being called out of Egypt isn’t so much seen in his movement from Egypt to Israel but rather...

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