February 18, 2023

Wisdom from Proverbs - Human Relationships - Gain the Higher Perspective of Christ

Today we wrap our week of letting God use the book of Proverbs to help us with personal relationships. While the book of Proverbs has been our main focus, we have looked at a few Scriptures from other places in the Bible that fit in and we will do that again today. We have found Proverbs 12 to be filled with wisdom for personal relationships...

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February 17, 2023

Wisdom from Proverbs - Human Relationships - Handle Conflict in Godly Ways (Calm, Peaceful, and Private)

Today's focus is on how we handle the inevitable conflicts that are a part of our personal relationships with other people. The kind of communication that takes place in the middle of our conflicts has an awful lot to do with the longevity of our relationships. The Proverb 13 verse above says it well, doesn’t it? Controlling the tongue is the key to a lifetime of solid, long-term relationships...

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February 16, 2023

Wisdom from Proverbs - Human Relationships - Pursue Honest Interactions That Genuinely Build Up

The key word for today is "edification." If we want to do our part in the pursuit of good relationships, we will have to learn to genuinely "edify" the people around us. Edification is all about building up and not tearing down. The secret ingredient in being one who edifies is honesty. Our Proverbs 12 passage from earlier in the week speaks to this: "An honest witness tells the truth; a false witness tells lies...

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February 15, 2023

Wisdom from Proverbs - Human Relationships - Cultivate Abundant Sensitivity and Empathy

We saw yesterday that good relationships and friendships need a good foundation, and that foundation is loyalty. Loyalty springs from our commitment to consistently extend unconditional love to another person. One's ability to love unconditionally is directly proportional to one's personal experience with God and his unconditional love...

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February 14, 2023

Wisdom from Proverbs - Human Relationships - Build a Foundation of Unconditional Love/Loyalty

In all that we are, in all that we do, and in all that we proclaim, there is nothing we at Cape Cod Church value more than the "unconditional love" of God. The more we are steeped in the world around us, the more foreign the notion of "unconditional love" is to us. At the same time, however, the extremely "conditional" environment of the world makes the truth of God's "unconditional love" tremendously appealing...

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February 13, 2023

Wisdom from Proverbs - Human Relationships - Become a "Get It" Person

This is week two of a Four-week Devotional Series entitled, “Wisdom from Proverbs.” Proverbs is a book about wisdom for life. It consists of many wise sayings. We find in them the themes of Scripture expressed as practical righteousness that help us examine how we live and manage daily life in the light of divine truth...

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